Deg xiqi xinatr’iditlghusr [Conversational Deg Xinag]

Gan tr’idighine’ [What we said (summary).] 12/18/01 class

A\ixi antr’ixixidili’anh. [We learn with each other.]

Tr’ighedo’: Hannah, Courtney, Sam, Alice


Ade’. [Hello]

Ndadz dengit’a? [How are you?]

Ngidenax? [And you?]

Ndagh dhedo? [Where are you?] answer: “…dhisdo.” [I’m… (where ever).]

Q’iydong ndagh ghingdo’? [Where were you yesterday?] “ …ghisdo’.” [I was…(where ever).]

Venhdida’ ndagh tedo\? [Where will you be tomorrow?]   “…tasdo\” [I will be in…]


Ni’egh ndadz dixet’a?[How’s the weather?]

Q'iydong ndadz dixighet'a'? [What was the weather yesterday?]

Dran ndadz dangit’an’? [What did you do today?] 

Ndadz ditet’e\. [What are you going to do tomorrow?] Find out the future form of the verb that you

Ngide chenh. [Your turn.] or Ngidedig.  Now you.

Xidingi\qat.                                                       [Questions. (Ask it.)]

Q’o’isineyhdi ghisdo’.

I was at work. [My work place was I staying.]


Q’unodle chux tl’oghida’.

After Christmas. This has the same –da’ stem as our word venhdida’ which means…? And the same da’ as Chenh da’ at the top of this page meaning ‘plan’.

Order of the word parts: –si- [I], -ng- [you], -ux- [you guys] are located close to the verb stem.  –tr’i- [we], -xi- [they] are located close to the beginning of the verb.

Ng-gi viye xididhiq’un idhatltth’onh.

I hear your stove.


I hear/understand


You (1) hear/understand


He hears/understand


We hear/understand


You (2+) hear/understand


They hear/understand

Q’unodle chux sidinga\ts’eyh.

It’s Christmas, be happy. [Merry Christmas.]

Look at the order of the word parts in the verb below.


The ‘theme’ of “be happy”

sidigits'eyh si#di+gi+ts'eyh

I am happy.

sidinga\ts'eyh si#di+ng+a+\+ts'eyh

You are happy.

sida\ts'eyh si#d+a+\+ts'eyh

She is happy.

sitr'ida\ts'eyh si#tr'i+d+a+\+ts'eyh

We are happy.

sixida\ts'eyh  si#xi+d+a+\+ts'eyh

They are happy.

Getiy sitr'ida\ts'eyh xaneqin nedatl .

We're happy that the visitors came.

Sraqay getiy ngixida/ts’eyh.

The children are really happy for you. [From “O Christmas Tree”]

Yixudz ditr’atone/.                              Let’s all say it.

Dina xit’o xethdlanhdi; dranh nonxididhit.

Our father was born; it’s the day.

Ngidixsin yix gini\’anh.

Something (somebody) looking at you from up there.

Q’unodle chux ngiye xune\.

It’s Christmas, be happy. [Merry Christmas.]

Q’unodle chux sidinga\ts’eyh.

It’s Christmas, be happy. [Merry Christmas.]


(Although we didn’t have time to sing, I’m including the songs below in case you can use them.)

 Gileg: [Song:]

O didlang chux…

(To the tune of “O Christmas Tree”)

O didlang chux, o didlang chux.

Oh, big spruce tree. Oh, big spruce tree.

Q'unodle chux ghixandeghe’oy.

You are standing up for Christmas.

O didlang chux, O didlang chux.

Oh, big spruce tree, oh, big spruce tree,

Q'unodle chux ghixandeghe’oy.

You are standing up for Christmas.

Sraqay getiy ngi sruxada\ts’eyh.

The children are really happy for you.

Getiy ngizrenh vaxa xiditl'ey

You have really good decorations.

O didlang chux, O didlang chux

Oh, big spruce tree. Oh, big spruce tree.

Q'unodle chux ghixandeghe’oy

You are standing up for Christmas.


Silent Night


Quiet and peaceful,

Xitidli’odi xidhi’onh.

Very holy it was.

Yixudz deghatl, yixudz xili’an’.

All calm, al bright.

Dinaxito’ Viyi’a xethdlanh.

Our Father’s Son was born.


They say it was bright from him.

Yoye nixalyiyh.

Heaven was resting.

Yoye nexalyiyh.

Heaven was resting.

A\ixi antr’ixixidili’anh. We learn with each other.

Dixudz inuxdatl. Gilixudz iy. Chenh ditr’al iy. Gil ixudz iy. Gil dodo iy.