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[Chapter IV Footnotes]

1 For reasons for rationing policy and extent at various times, see Schmeckebier, The Office of Indian Affairs, pp. 66-70, 252-55, 313-14.

2 For review of the reasons for control of Indian affairs by the national government, see Schmeckebier, pp. 2-11.

3 For comment on conditions in Oklahoma, see Schmeckebier, pp. 138-42.

4 An indigent Indian woman who had dissipated the thousands of dollars received for her allotment appealed for rations. She ranted against the government for giving her control of property she was unable to handle. To the superintendent's statement: "You clamored and fought to get a fee patent," her reply was: "But the government should have known better."

5 For further detailed discussion of policy of issuance of patents in fee, see Schmeckebier, pp. 148-65.

6 See pages 472 and 473.

7 For a statement of the finances of the Indian Service for 1903, 1913, 1923, and 1928, see Schmeckebier, Appendix 6, pages 509-36. The three brief summary tables from his monograph are presented as appendices to the present report, pages 183 to 186.

8 See pages 170 to 175 on Statistics, and pages 191, 196, 197-203, 266-270 in the chapter on Health.

9 At one Indian school the members of the survey staff were delightfully entertained by the Indian girls of the senior class in domestic science. Two members of the survey sat at each table with four Indian girls and were served a simple, yet delicious meal prepared by the four girls. One girl at each table had to occupy the difficult position of hostess, a task performed with a quiet grace and dignity which the survey staff came to regard as characteristic of Indian women. One hostess said, "My daddy always teases my mother by telling her he married her for her biscuits," and then by the way of explanation she added, "Daddy is a white man." Judging that union by its fruit, one would conclude that the biscuits were symbolic of substantial domestic virtues. Any man might well be proud of a daughter like that girl.

10 For history of Indian relations, see Schmeckebier, pp. 11-90.

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